AUD to USD Easily

Converting your AUD to USD has never been easier thanks to our new currency exchange program. Our bank has been helping its customers convert cash for decades and now, we are rolling out a program to make it faster, easier and also less expensive for you to do. The new program is called Aim to Trade and is based out of our New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory locations. However you can check out the program in detail anytime at the AIM website and get all the information about easy trading right from the comfort of your home. However, here is a quick synopsis of some of the features of the program.

No Fee Cards

When you enrol in our currency conversion program, you will be given a new debit card that is linked to your personal bank account. However, the card is embedded with code that will not only prevent ATM theft but it will also block any ATM currency fees.

When traveling overseas, you may find that there is typically a higher than average charge to convert your AUD to another currency but our program will prevent that, charging you the standard bank rates with no inflation.

You can also use your ATM card to check current exchange rates before you decided to withdraw cash. Put your card in any ATM worldwide and you will be able to see the current NAB currency exchange rates and decided from there how much money to take out. Pretty amazing!

Online Ordering

Another huge benefit of our new program is the ability to have cash mailed to you anytime, anywhere in the world.

If you are traveling for a long period of time or working overseas, you can avoid foreign bank fees and order currency from us!

Just log onto your account, head over to the AIM section of our page and browse the Westpac exchange rate.

Then, you can order the currency you need and have it mailed right to you and a low flat rate. You will have your money within two business days! Getting the currency you need has never been easier.

Real Time Comparison


Currency rates change from day to day, even hour to hour. In order to get the best possible exchange rate, you can use our app to alert you to when the exchange rate is looking good.


Simply set up the type of currency you are looking to get and then the app will compare exchange rates for you, sending you a signal when it is a good time to convert your money.


Not only is our new program easy but it also gets you the best rates and saves you money. Seems like the only way to convert cash!